I've always loved to look through old family photos, and for a long time have wanted a wall of frames filled with these photos. I finally got around to it and decided my hallway wall between my office and bedroom would be perfect. That particular wall has an old telephone cubby in the center, so all of the photos are placed around it. I found the exact photos I wanted, scanned them in, and cropped them to the correct size. I printed them all on cardstock and placed them in the frames. I placed a little table down below with some vintage decanters and bottles found while antiquing. I also included a frame I picked up on my first trip to Ikea last week (I know, can you believe I waited that long to go?) that has a picture of me and my handsome boyfriend...and since my black and white shih tzu was laying around, I decided she could be part of the photo shoot as well. And...Voila! Many more weekend project posts to come!

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